Section I.3: Consoles:

Consoles should be set SPACE, and have the DATADBREF attribute set to the relevant ship object. They should also be @lock'ed to prevent players from taking them. When a person mans a console, the console is @ulock'ed to them, and the USERDBREF attribute is set to the player's dbref. These should be reset by the code on the room when the player leaves the room, beams away, or disconnects. Also remember to set the CONFIG_DBREF_* attributes on the ship object to point to the appropriate consoles' dbrefs.

You have the ability to completely customize the way consoles look and feel. Through spacecalls you can grab individual pieces of information and format them however you like in the console status screens. You're also free to move commands to different consoles, or change the interface entirely. All a console does, really, is provide an interface to the spacecalls that control the space object. You can also mix the functionality of several "systems" into one console. For example, you might want to put the shield and navigation functionality onto one console. You would then set CONFIG_DBREF_SHIELDS and CONFIG_DBREF_NAV to the same object.

Console Attributes:

Name of Attribute Description
UserDBREF DB reference to present user.
DataDBREF DB reference to associated ship object.