Section I.2.3: Damage Locations:

Name of Location Position*
Fore shield 1
Aft shield 2
Port shield 3
Starboard shield 4
Gun 0-5 5-10
Torp 0-5 11-16
Batteries 17
Cloak 18
Warp 19
Engine 20
Crystals 21
Sensors 22
Scanners 23
Hull 24
Tractor beam 25
Transporters 26

* Position indicates the character position of the location in the ST_SYSTEM_DAMAGE bit map, from the left. The value can be 'x' or a number from 0 to 9. An 'x' appears if the location does not exist on the ship. A number indicates the amount of system damage as follows:

0 - Normal working order
1 - Field repaired
2 - Light damage
3,4 - Moderate damage
5,6 - Heavy damage
7,8 - Inoperable
9 - Destroyed