Section I.2.1: Ships and Bases: Attributes:

Name of Attribute Description
CF_BATTS_CAPACITY Battery capacity.
CF_BATTS_DISCHARGE Battery discharge rate (units per turn).
CF_CLASS Class of the ship (i.e. "Galaxy").
CF_CLOAK_STATUS Status of ship's cloaking device (0=not present, 1=present)
CF_CLOAK_COST Power cost of using ship's cloaking device.
CF_COMM_RANGE Communications range.
CF_COMM_SENSITIVITY Sensitivity of communications receiver.
CF_DAMCON_TEAMS Number of damage control teams.
CF_DBREF_TACTICAL DB reference to tactical console.
CF_DBREF_NAV DB reference to navigation console.
CF_DBREF_SHIELDS DB reference to shield console.
CF_DBREF_ENG DB reference to engineering console.
CF_DBREF_XPORT DB reference to transporter console.
CF_DBREF_COMM DB reference to communications console.
CF_DBREF_DAMCON DB reference to damage control console.
CF_DOOR_STATUS Status of ship's cargo bay doors (0=not present, 1=present).
CF_DOOR_SIDE Side of the ship the door is on.
CF_DOOR_SIZE Size of bay doors. Ships of size <= CF_DOOR_SIZE can fit through.
CF_GUN_NAME Name assigned to ship's guns (i.e. "phaser").
CF_GUN_QTY Number of guns.
CF_GUN_POWER Maximum gun power.
CF_GUN_RANGE Range of guns.
CF_GUN_DELIVERY Effect of range on gun's delivery.
CF_GUN_CHARGE_RATE Guns' rate of charge.
CF_HULL Hull size.
CF_OWNER_NAME Owner name (i.e. "Federation").
CF_OWNER_NUM Owner number.
CF_REACTOR_OUTPUT Maximum output of ship's reactor.
CF_REACTOR_OVER_POINTS Maximum number of stress points.
CF_REACTOR_LEVEL_STRESS Maximum engine level (%).
CF_REACTOR_LEVEL_NORMAL Optimal engine level (%).
CF_REACTOR_OVER_PENALTY Number of stress points per pct over 100, per turn.
CF_SCANNER_RANGE Scanner range.
CF_SHIELD_FACTOR Portion of allocated power that is added to shield each turn.
CF_SHIELD_POWER Maximum shield power.
CF_SHIELD_CHARGE_RATE Shields' rate of charge.
CF_TORP_AMMO (New! 0.8.1) Number of torpedoes ship has when started.
CF_TORP_NAME Name assigned to ship's torpedoes (i.e. "photon").
CF_TORP_QTY Number of torpedo launchers.
CF_TORP_POWER Maximum torpedo power.
CF_TORP_RANGE Range of torpedoes.
CF_TORP_CHARGE_RATE Torpedos' rate of charge.
CF_TORP_LOADERS Number of torpedo loaders.
CF_TORP_ACCURACY Base accuracy of torpedoes.
CF_TRACTOR_STATUS Status of tractor beam system (0=not present, 1=present).
CF_TRACTOR_EFFECT Effectiveness of tractor beam.
CF_TYPE Type of the ship (i.e. "Heavy Cruiser").
CF_WARP_FACTOR Mathematical power:warp factor.
CF_WARP_MAX Maximum warp speed.
ST_DOCKED_AT DB reference of object ship last docked at.
ST_HULL_DAMAGE Amount of hull damage in the form <repairable damage> <permanent damage>.
ST_SYSTEM_DAMAGE System damage (binary number, one cell per location).
ST_SHIPFLAGS Ship's flags (binary number, one cell per flag).
ST_ODOMETER New in S70909 The distance travelled by the ship.
ST_TIME_ACTIVE New in S70909 The total number of seconds the ship has been active.